Tuesday, November 25, 2008

3 million reasons why Pualaka loves Rose Marine.

Some months ago Pualaka Petroleo, owned by Americo Lopes, husband of Minister of Justica Lucia Lobato, (http://thediliinsider.blogspot.com/2008/10/hmmm-pualaka-and-lucia-in-hot-seat.html) was awarded, apparently as a result of sole sourcing, the contract to supply EDTL with fuel. Pualaka failed to be able to perform on contract due to not having the capital necessary to deliver. This would seemingly have disqualified Pualaka Petroleo's bid from being considered. Not in this case. In this case the Government sought and seemingly approved a 3 million letter of credit for Pualaka. This document can be found here. https://secure.wikileaks.org/wiki/Timor_%243M_credit_to_Minister_of_Justice_husband_Americo_Lopes%2C_2008
This has all been well documented in the FRETILIN blogs, Tempo Semanal and other such places. However, in the Diario Nacional of 24 November 2008 it gives its front colour page over to highlighting this corruption in a seemingly mistaken way.
The 3 million dollar letter of credit has been activated and Pualaka is now importing large amounts of fuel via the Tibar Terminal just west of Dili. I wonder if Pualaka pays the Government for use of state facilities. Perhaps, the Government pays Pualaka for the priviledge of being serviced by husband of the Minister of Justice.
It should be noted that the Diario Nacional is owned by the same man that owns Marabia; the company that was implicated in the Minister of Justica SMS scandal for seemingly colluding to get a contract for rebuilding Becora prison wall.